Why You Get Sick More Often Than Your Sister: Lessons Learned From an Insurance Auditor


A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on the plane next to an insurance auditor; let’s call him Ed. Ed was on his way home after visiting clients from the trucking industry in South Florida.

When asked what he liked most about his job, he shared how he loves helping his clients improve their business and cut down on the cost of insurance. He sees many clients in the course of his job. He understands the industry trends. He sees what successful companies are doing. With his experience, he can easily spot an issue in a business.

Then I asked if his clients were afraid of him, as his visit determines their insurance premium. He replied: “Yes, and they shouldn’t be.” He tells them upfront: “How you manage your business determines your insurance premium. You control the price. I don’t.”

A lightbulb went off in my head after hearing that. From my observation of my clients and friends, something similar could be said about health. How you manage your life and health plays an important role in why you get sick, how severely an illness affects you, and how fast you recover from a health challenge.

Granted, there are differences in everybody’s constitution and life circumstances. However, you have more control over your health and illness than you might think.  That’s why adult siblings don’t all get sick at the same rate.

There are 7 specific lessons that I learned from Ed that can help you take charge of your health, so you stay healthy more often and bounce back more quickly from illness.

1. Know that you have control over your health.

This is the point that I’ve been emphasizing above.

2. Create policies and procedures like all successful businesses do.

You’ll need to figure out what works for you and create a plan to better your health accordingly. For instance, I love Taichi and detest gyms. My exercise plan includes Taichi and walking. My diet consists of vegan and mostly organic food.

What’s in your plan?

3. Follow your own guidelines and policies. Some companies have nice guidelines but don’t actually follow them. Don’t be one of those people.

Once you have a plan on what you’re going to do to cope with illness and improve your health, stick to it. Simply having it on paper does nothing for you. Implement it. Take action. Do it.

How often do you stay on track? How often do you stray from it?

4. Learn the best practices. Successful companies are open to learning new strategies and ways to improve all the time.

Healthy people learn better ways to improve their health. You’re off to a great start by reading my blog.

I send you articles and videos on how to sleep better, increase energy, and relieve pain. Other healers write blogs anywhere from exercise to nutrition to weight loss. Find a few you like and read them regularly..

5. Adapt to the changes of technology. When new generations of trucks came onto the scene, the requirements for drivers changed. Savvy businesses adapted.

The same is true for your health. With GMO food, blue light emissions from electronic devices, and Electromagnetic Field released from your cell phones and tablets, you need to be aware of the research of their impact on your health. Only then can you make an informed decision on what to do with them.

6. Pay attention to transition. When a trucking business is passed down from father to son, the commitment to safety may change.

When you’re going through a transition like a job change or divorce, are you maintaining the same level of commitment to your health? Or are you allowing it to slide? Many people fall into severe illness after stressful transition. This is the time to hold tight to your health policies and procedures.

7. Be consistent when creating and implementing policies and procedures. In the trucking industry, business owners have new hires take driving tests. But they don’t always require a driving test for a contractor who owns a truck.

Are you careful about your diet but not exercise? Are you keen on having clean, organic food but have a toxic relationship with a girlfriend? Which area in your life might you be slacking on?

These 7 lessons create a solid, foundational support for your health, much like a tripod structure does for plants in your garden. Such a structure provides you with health, resilience, and core strength. With such a strong foundation, you’ll be able to weather the storm with minimal setback.

You’ll enjoy radiant health more often than not, regardless of what may come your way.

Now, it’s your turn. Among the 7 lessons above, what do you already have in place? Which ones do you need to pay the most attention to?  Leave me a comment below.

Dan Zhou, Ph.D.Why You Get Sick More Often Than Your Sister: Lessons Learned From an Insurance Auditor


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  • Kim - August 11, 2018 reply

    Great article Dan!! And a relevent analogy.

  • Alan Spessard - August 11, 2018 reply

    # 2

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