My medicine cabinet during the time of Covid

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Recently several of my friends have fallen under the weather. Three of them have tested positive for Covid, while one is awaiting his test result.

I’ve reached out to share with them what’s in my medicine cabinet that I’ve been using to keep myself healthy and to ward off this virus, during this time of prolonged stress and uncertainty.

For me, maintaining a strong defense for my health includes regular exercise, keeping a positive attitude, getting sufficient rest, and sticking to a proper diet. It also includes:

  • Energy exercises to keep the stress at bay and my body’s energy humming.
  • Dietary supplements that boost my body’s natural immune response.

Today I’m sharing with you the list of dietary supplements that I’ve been taking since my close encounter with Covid last year.

Before we continue I’d like to make it clear that what I’m sharing here is what I use for myself. Nothing on this blog post or on this website is meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult a health professional for any medical advise.

In the past I resisted taking any dietary supplements, opting to use food as medicine. At the height of the pandemic last year I finally decided to incorporate a small set of supplements, adding another type of self care to my routine.

Similar to food, I choose supplements with as few ingredients as possible. I personally like a sublingual that dissolves instantly. It gets into the blood circulation right away, instead of going through the digestive track, which may take hours.

My go-to brand is “Superior Source,” because they have what they termed “microlingual” that dissolves instantly.

I. Vitamins:

  • Vitamin C by Superior Source. Tangy C has a kick like the smell of the peel of an orange,
  • Zine Lozenjets by Superior Source.
  • B complex by Superior Source. It contains B1, B2, B3, B6, Folate, B12, Biotin, and other ingredients.
  • Melatonin by Superior Source.
  • Vitamin D. I take it naturally in the form of sunlight as it’s one of the perks of living in South Florida.
  • B-12 Vegan Methylcobalamin. Organic spray by Garden of Life – Mykind.

II. Specialities:

  • Colloidal silver solution, by Sovereign Silver. Some consider it a powerful tool in supporting a strong immune system. I like that it has only two ingredients: 99.999% pure silver and pharmaceutical-grade, purified water. It contains 98% bio-active silver ions & silver nano-clusters.
  • Oscillococcinum by Boiron. This is a homeopathic medicine that reduces the duration & severity of flu-like symptoms, such as body aches, headache, fever, chills & fatigue. This was recommended to me by a seasoned healer and nurse practitioner when the pandemic first broke out.
  • Axio by LifeVantage. I use a formula called Axio, which is important for maintaining the brain’s health. It comes as a little pouch of powder that’s easily dissolved in water. For more on this check out my blog post A surprising cause of exhaustion.

One last thing

Supplements are useful only to the extend that your body is able to utilize them. Reducing stress goes a long way to enhance your body’s ability to make use of them.

Start building-up your immune system. Fortify it. We’re in this life for the long haul and want to be our healthiest during the journey.

I’m running my 9-day de-stress challenge again for a limited time only. Click here to sign up for it today. Share the gift of health and wellbeing by inviting a friend to join you. When your friend joins you, it increases the chance of success for you both!

Dr. Dan ZhouMy medicine cabinet during the time of Covid

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