Acupressure for relieving stress and anxiety

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This morning my husband and I went to a neighborhood park near the Intracoastal Waterway, a canal near the Ocean. The sunlight was shimmering over the water. Schools of fish were jumping from the water playing. A dog was swimming. People were biking or walking.

It was a great place to find peace and tranquility on a weekday morning.

After strolling for half an hour I started feeling aches and pains in my body that weren’t there up until then.

My body was full of tension yet I was too busy to notice. Given what I’ve been up to lately I wasn’t surprised. I started an exciting project providing busy entrepreneurs an edge via a healthy lifestyle integrating healing with fengshui. I also stepped into a major leadership position inside a self-development training program.

Fortunately I know how to take care of myself.

One easy way to relieve stress and anxiety is to massage acupressure point Tai Yang, 太阳 (Sun), an extraordinary point that isn’t on any meridian.

Tai Yang is on your face on the outside edge of the eyes by your temples. It’s located between the end of your eyebrow and the corner of your eyes, a thumb’s distance (the width of your thumb nail) from your eyebrows.

There are several ways to work with it.

  • Hold Tai Yang on both sides with your fingers for 30 seconds to 5 minutes. You can keep your eyes open or closed, whichever feels more comfortable to you.
  • Place your thumbs on your temples (Tai Yang) and rest of your fingers on your forehead above the eyebrows. Hold for 2-5 minutes. Again you can keep your eyes open or closed.
  • Massage Tai Yang with the pad of your middle fingers with up and down motion for a couple of minutes.

You can try all three techniques and see which one you like the most, for the time being. Your body changes. So does your preference.

Let me know how you like this new technique. And, please share this blog post with a friend by emailing them this link.


Dr. Dan ZhouAcupressure for relieving stress and anxiety

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