A surprising cause of exhaustion

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Normally when we think about exhaustion, we think about lack of sleep, running around using up all of our energy, or even dealing with stress.

But, that’s not all.

There’s another cause of exhaustion, one that showed up as a surprise even to me, someone who’s been working with people coping with fatigue for years.

My friend Crystal tested positive for Covid-19 six months ago. Her main symptom was that she was tired all the time, so much so that she was sleeping almost constantly for days it seemed. I did some research and found out that researchers who study Covid-19 patients have categorized exhaustion as a common neurological impact of the virus.

That made me aware of the brain-energy connection.

The brain consumes a lot of energy. I remember a study done on college students years ago which found that students who studied more weighed less.

Not only that, the brain is also the command center of the body. It controls all of the cells in the body, including how efficiently they consume energy. When brain function is impaired, the cells in the rest of the body stop functioning optimally.

If you get tired easily, try something that supports your brain health, such as energy exercise or dietary supplements. That might be the thing that moves the needle upwards for you.

Being a vegan, I take a couple of B vitamins for my brain: B6 and B12 as they’re lacking in my diet.

However, the powerhouse for my brain health is Axio, a brain drink by LifeVantage. It comes as a powder that dissolves in water. It has become a part of my health regime after I’ve given it a try for 90 days.

Here is a link for you to check it out. Click here for decaffeinated version. Scroll down past the shopping cart section & you’ll find the nutritional information and Frequently Asked Questions.

What have you discovered that helps you with your brain function?  Leave me a comment below. I appreciate your input.

Disclosure: I am an affiliate of LifeVantage. If you purchase a product through clicking on the link above I’ll be paid a small commission, probably enough to buy me a cup of herbal tea (no caffeine please).

Disclaimer: This post and this website are intended for educational purpose only. Nothing on this website should be construed as medical advice. Speak with your medical doctor if you have any concerns for your health.


Dr. Dan ZhouA surprising cause of exhaustion

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  • Lisa Elbin - August 6, 2021 reply

    Thank you, I wonder if Axion is the same SWEET powder drink I tried? I F we know what the sweetener is and can dilute it 40% it may be tolerable. IF not… Guess I will take on sample to try again. I called and we are over 12 days passed the crisis I was in excruciating pain down one leg and felt tingly on the botttom of my left foot. I went to Urgent Care, Jup Medical UC that day knowing the PA would request for Ultrasound and they xrayed hips and lumbar. Dan, because of I am working on bone mass build, consciously drinking bone broth, calcium with D3 twice a day. with more foods being added. What is your hours for consult and your charges for consult. I will share that I am feeding on Raw cheese and want to build up my bones with raw product as I can learn and educate myself. I am definitely following lab tests and with my primary working towards a healthier stronger bone – ME. I explained to her that that I am looking at food and holistic means for healing, formost. Dr is Martha Zambrano in North Palm Beach Palm Gardens. Have a blessed Friday.

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