The Surprising Health Effects of Those Photos in Your Home


Do you have picture frames dotting your house? Paintings?

Me too. I especially like goofy pictures of my young grandchildren!

Did you know that those photos can impact specific meridians of your body, making them stronger or weaker?

An Artistic Photo and a Teenager’s Mischief

A wealthy family once consulted Denise Lynn, one of my favorite healers and writers, on their teenage son’s drug usage and frequent disappearances.

She went to their house & saw a black-and-white, artistically framed picture of their son by a well-known photographer. The artist caught the boy in a moment of sadness and froze it in time.

Denise advised the parents to take down the photo and replace it with a happy family picture, among other things. The family protested but complied nevertheless. A few weeks later, not only was the boy’s mood lifted, but he also became friendly and pleasant to be around.

In Ancient China what Lynn did would be called Fengshui, which can sound like magic.

Imagine my surprise when I came across a book by a psychiatrist, a New York Times bestselling author, on emotional state, facial expressions, and meridian energy. The book provides a more logical explanation of what happened to that teenager.

It’s most fascinating reading if you want to have more vitality and feel vibrant!

A Psychiatrist’s Take on Emotions and Meridians

You may have heard me talking about emotions, 5 elements and meridians as the best kept secrets in Chinese Medicine.

In this book the psychiatrist expanded the teachings from Chinese Medicine into western psychology and common feelings and emotions that you experience in every day life.

Armed with kinesiology, muscle testing, a meridian chart and his expertise as a psychiatrist, he

  • Clarified emotional states from a psychiatrist’s perspective
  • Mapped out Meridian energy testing through Kinesiology
  • Combined them in his psychiatric practice
  • Used this on his patients

Instead of taking months or years to resolve in a normal therapy setting, he was able to pinpoint the exact emotions and thoughts of his patients in their subconscious mind and guide them to resolution in one or two sessions.

My Take Away from the Book

In particular what I find fascinating is that

  • Facial expressions convey messages such as love, contempt, caring, anger.
  • Those emotions / thoughts trigger a subtle response in you.
  • Your response results in an imbalance in a particular meridian.
  • Kinesiology muscle testing can identify which meridian is weak by testing on the Alarm Points of meridians.

Here’s a couple of my quick take-aways:

  1. You need both hemispheres of the brain to live your full potential
    An affirmation can correct the specific imbalance of a particular meridian
  2. One of the most important affirmations for keeping your Qi (life energy) STRONG is:
    “I have love, faith, trust, gratitude and courage.”

It strengthens your thymus, which is THE key indicator of the vitality of your Qi.

Here’s the link to the book “LIFE ENERGY”.

Have I perked your curiosity enough to check out the book itself? Let me know what you think! 🙂

Dr. Dan ZhouThe Surprising Health Effects of Those Photos in Your Home


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  • Gina - March 6, 2023 reply

    Love it!! I can’t wait to read the book to learn more, to be more empowered, to heal and be healed. Thank you I appreciate the information Dr Dan Zhou!!!

    Dr. Dan Zhou - May 9, 2023 reply

    Hi Gina, thank you for reading my blog post. 🙂 Have you read the book? Are you doing the daily affirmation from the book?

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