The Swiss Army Knife of Energy Exercises


When my sister living in Wuhan was going in and out of the hospital emergency room, I once again asked if she was open to energy healing exercises.

“Yes.”  She said this time.  “But, DON’T give me a bunch… I won’t know what to do and I won’t do them.  Just give me ONE thing.”

Healing modalities, especially Eden Energy Medicine, have a large set of tools.  Her request got me looking for the Swiss Army Knife inside that tool box, something that is widely applicable, high effective, and easy to use.

One exercise, Hook-up, stands out.  It’s essential like clean air and fresh water are to our good health. And like a Swiss Army Knife, it’s highly beneficial and can be used to help with many problems. That’s why I do it daily, so does every practitioner trained in the Eden Energy Medicine.

Hook-up takes a couple of fingers and can be done in 30 seconds. Therefore if you want something quick and easy, this is good choice.

In this blog post I’m going to go over the exercise itself and its benefits.  We’ll then explore in-depth the energy system that it works on, basically the why and what. In a future blog post I’ll share with you other ways to activate your micro-cosmic orbit and the roles of the Central Vessel and the Governing Vessel, the two components of the orbit, play in human body.

Let’s start with the benefits of this exercise.

Why might you want to do Hook-up?

Here’s a list of its benefits:

  • It soothes the nerve system. 
  • It enhances a sense of confidence.  
  • It centers the mind and calms the body.  It relaxes you to the core.
  • It reinforces your energetic spine, the microcosmic orbit that the QiGong masters work with. A sturdy spine is a cornerstone to your health.
  • It strengthens your aura, weaving stronger energetic threads around you.  A well-built aura protects you from the swirl of the world around you.
  • It creates more connections to all other systems.  

and lastly,

  • It activates the Extraordinary Vessels, also known as the Radiant Circuit, which I consider the circuit of joy.  It facilities transformation and change, thus supporting you on your Soul’s journey.

How to do Hook-up?

Hook-up involves two power points in the body: One is at your belly button.  The other one is at your third eye, the middle point between your eye brows.

  • First, place the middle finger of one hand into your belly button with light pressure.  Pull the skin up slightly.  It does’t matter which hand you use.
  • Second, place the middle finger of your other hand onto your third eye with light pressure.  Push the skin up slightly.
  • Now relax your shoulders. Drop your elbows. Unclench your jaw.
  • Hold for 30 seconds. Or for as long as you are comfortable.

That’s the basics of the Hook-up.  Later I’ll show you how to do it for maximum benefit.

What are the two power pointers?

The two points the Hook-up works with are the belly button and your third eye, the middle point between your eye brows.

Sitting at your belly button is an important acupressure point on the Central Vessel called the Spirit Gateway (ShengQue 神阙).  It’s considered the gateway to your life force and spiritual energy.  This is the lower DanTian in the martial arts practice.  

There’s a specialty in Chinese Medicine that treats various diseases using the belly button, including infusing herbal medicine into the body through this point.

Your third eye sits above the bridge of your nose at the middle point between your eye brows.  The acupressure point at this spot is called the Hall of Impression (YinTang 印堂), the temple of the spiritual seal. It’s the upper DanTian in the martial arts practice.

It’s your 6th chakra in the 7-chakra system, the seat of clear vision.  It governs your mental activity.

What is the energetic spine?

As I said earlier Hook-up strengthens your energetic spine.  What then, is your energetic spine? Let’s take a look at your physical spine first.

Physical spine

Your spine is the center pillar of your skeletal system. It’s attached to your skull.  It goes from your neck to your tailbone.   It holds up your physical structure, including your arms, hips and legs which are attached to it. In turn your skeletal system provides a stable framework for your soft tissues and protects your internal organs.

In addition, the nerves that run up and down inside your spine connect your brain to your internal organs and the rest of your body.

The health of your spine plays a pivotal role in the health of your entire body, which is one of the basics in chiropractic practice.  Your spine is your lifeline, as they say.

Beyond the physical spine you also have an energetic spine, the central pillar for your energetic body.

Energetic Spine

The Central and Governing Vessels

Your energetic spine consists of two Extraordinary Vessels, the Central Vessel and the Governing Vessel. Extraordinary Vessels are like super meridians in that they’re capable of jumping around, much like a helicopter flying to where it’s needed.  Whereas meridians are like cars whose energies travel on a highway.

The Central Vessel runs along the front of your body in the middle line of your trunk, from your public bone to your lower lip.  The Governing Vessel runs along the back of your body in the middle line of your trunk, starting from your tailbone, climbing up your spine,  over your neck and the back of your head, across the top of your head, down the front of your face, and then over your nose to your upper lip.

These two channels start right next to each other between your anus and your genital.  They end at the same spot in the back of your throat, thus forming a loop.

This loop is the pathway of Microcosmic Orbit in the Qi-Gong practice.  Invigorating the Microcosmic Orbit is a foundational practice.

As such, Hook-up is an important practice, essential to your health and wellbeing.  That’s why I do it daily.  So does everyone trained in the Eden Energy Medicine. I hope you will too.

When I return to this topic in the future, I’ll share with you other roles the Central and Governing Vessels play in your energy system and how to take this practice deeper. Stay tuned.

Please leave me a comment about your practice or if you have any questions and suggestions regarding this blog post or your health.

See you next time!

Dr. Dan ZhouThe Swiss Army Knife of Energy Exercises


Join the conversation
  • Anita Hubscher - May 10, 2022 reply

    Thank you so much, Dan for the in-depth explanation about the hook-up. I practice the DER everyday with the hook-up included, adding more exercises from the EEM tool box whatever I feel I need to. I am not very knowledgeable with the points, but love doing the exercises. I am so glad that you take care of your sister, and wishing her good health and healing. Love, Anita.

    Dr. Dan Zhou - June 14, 2022 reply

    Hi Anita, I’m glad that you find the blog post helpful.Thank you for your well wishes for my sister. Love.

  • Theresa - March 5, 2023 reply

    Thank you very much for everything you share, it gives me so much energy and awareness.
    I watch your video’s and I really become happy when I do the exercises.
    With love from Theresa from Holland XO

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