Health lesson from an ORANGE watering can


Your health depends on more than simply knowing the specific meridians or some energy exercises.

Most of us acquire knowledge about how to live healthier here and there, in a random manner. We get excited and make healthy changes for awhile, but usually drift back to older, less healthy habits and behavior.

A couple of months ago my husband Jim’s family came to town for a visit. It was their first time visiting us. My husband spent three months sprucing up our humble house. Painting the outside wall, getting the well fixed, and having new sod laid onto the front lawn.

The part of the project that was important to me is the main entrance. According to Chinese Fengshui principle the main entrance is the most important contributing factor to the health and wealth of the residents.

There’s a collection of potted flowers at the entrance, inside the small triangle-shaped plot between the drive way and the front door. For years every six months or so I would get new plants.

The first week or two I water them daily. They stay fresh and bloom during that time. Gradually I get out of the habit & water them occasionally, when I remember it. They manage to stay alive for a while longer.

One day Jim came home with an orange watering can from Lowes the home improvement store.

“Oh thank you,” I said to him, “An orange can, a happy color. How nice!”

Meanwhile I thought to myself: “Right, another useless toy! We have a couple of buckets already. Do we really need another thing?”

What happened next really surprised me, so much so that I’m sharing with you here!

Every day for months now I took out the watering can, filled it up, and went to water my potted plants.

Not only was I able to maintain a watering schedule, I also kept up their appearance by removing the flowers that just passed their peak and were wilting away.

If you’ve grown hibiscus, you would know that’s a daily routine as a hibiscus flower only lasts for ONE day!

Now more than 3 months later these plants are still produce fresh flowers!

By adding a little splash and a little convenience to a mundane activity, it turned watering plants into a pleasant activity that enabled me to sustain the habit.

I thought that I was beyond those little gimmicks but my subconscious mind certainly loved it.

Now turning to you, what is it that you can do to make sure that you do the Healthy Energy Routine everyday?

Is it to accompany it with your favorite music?
Or to do it with your favorite person?
Or do it at a favorite spot, like on the back porch, or under the mango tree?

Or a more nurturing or convenient time of the day for you, like 5 o’clock in the morning or 6 o’clock in the afternoon after returning from a day’s work?

What little touch can you add that pulls you forward in fulfilling your intention? What spark can you create that brings smile to your face and lit you up?

Remember, having healthy routine makes a huge difference in people’s lives because they are routines. They work on your physical body, emotions, mind and energy day in and day out, week in and week out. It solidifies a foundation on which to build your health and wellbeing .

Share with me what little splash or spark you use or intend to add to your routine.



Dr. Dan ZhouHealth lesson from an ORANGE watering can


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  • Shirley Joy Jackson - June 30, 2021 reply

    Place my updated calendar ON THE Dining Room TABLE, before going to bed at night. Then it is there to greet when I sit down to have breakfast every morning.

    Dr. Dan Zhou - June 30, 2021 reply

    Awesome! Thank you for sharing, Shirley.

  • Shirley Joy Jackson - June 30, 2021 reply

    (Added thought – Mark Twain was said to say…I always bring something fascinating to read as I travel…I always bring my journal.” Have calendar as an attractive and fascinating statement of possibilities being fulfilled.)

    Dr. Dan Zhou - June 30, 2021 reply

    Love that sense of fulfillment, Shirley!

  • Sheena - June 30, 2021 reply

    Hi Dr. Dan
    I will take a photo of my darling Dad who has passed away and put a little card beside it stating which new habit I am working on. I will then feel his love and support. Blessings to you and thank you for your beautifully written piece of inspiration.

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