How to alleviate indigestion and strengthen liver and spleen


It’s awful to experience indigestion. It’s even worse to vomit or have diarrhea.

Here’s an energy exercise that can alleviate those symptoms. It works on the acupressure point Liver-13, the 13th point on the liver meridian. It’s Chinese name is Zhang Men (章门), Completion Gate.

In addition, working with this point regularly can strengthen your solid organs: liver, spleen, heart, kidneys and lungs.

As a matter of fact, Liver-13 is one of the 8 points that are known as Influential Points, also known as Meeting Points. Each of them influences a particular system of the body, such as tendons and ligaments, the blood, and the bones.

Here are a few benefits from massaging this point:

  • Alleviates indigestion
  • Eases vomiting and diarrhea
  • Strengthens your liver and spleen

Working on it regularly will for sure enhance your health and sense of wellbeing.

General guide for acupressure:
Use firm pressure when you massage a point, unless it’s too painful. If it is, then use lighter pressure.
If the point is painful to massage, it means that there is energy congestion and it’s in need of massage.
If it’s not painful, you’ll want to dig around. You may find a spot that’s tender.

Let me know what you find by leaving me a comment below.

Dr. Dan ZhouHow to alleviate indigestion and strengthen liver and spleen


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  • Shirley Joy Jackson - May 26, 2021 reply

    My beautiful “Yawn-Fest” of moving-the-energy started when I switched to the cross-arm position! Oh what a delight, and an ever so easy to integrate into one’s day. Standing in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil, while “sitting on the throne” – all sorts of mini-spa opportunities when the access points are so readily available. I could be in a roomful of people at a meeting, and except for the yawning, I’d be acting quite within the norm of social graces. Oh yea, on a Zoom call — I could disengage the video and yawn like heck (it’s still happening) . Bottom line, my energy LOVED THAT VALUABLE HINT!!!

    Dr. Dan Zhou - June 30, 2021 reply

    So great to hear your experience, Shirley!

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