How to enhance your decision making with energy movement


Have you noticed that your ability to make good decisions and judgments wavers from time to time?

Sometimes decision making is easy, while at other times you make lousy decisions that you later regret.

Do you believe that you have the best judgement and decision making skills when you’re under stress?

We don’t have the same level of decision making power all the time. There’re times when it comes easy, when we’re in the flow. Then there are times we don’t make good decisions. That’s when accidents happen around the house and on the road. That’s when we say the wrong thing or make the wrong move.

According to Chinese Medicine your decision making is the domain of the wood element, specifically your Gall Bladder meridian. The health of your Gall Bladder meridian impacts your ability to make sound decisions and have tempered judgement.

When Gall Bladder is balanced you have better judgement, and you make good decisions easily.

When Gall Bladder is out of balance, you have a hard time making decisions that you’ll be truly happy about.

Here’s one exercise that helps to balance your wood element, especially Gall Bladder.

This video that I made several years ago shows you how. In addition to balance your wood element and Gall Bladder meridian, it also helps to release excessive energy and pent-up emotions.

When do you have trouble with decision making? What does this exercise do for you?
Leave me a comment below. I appreciate your input.

Dr. Dan ZhouHow to enhance your decision making with energy movement


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  • Jim - March 11, 2021 reply

    Awesome movement and very useful. I’ve tried it on a few occassions and found it gave me relief. Thank you

    Dr. Dan Zhou - April 8, 2021 reply

    You’re welcome Jim! Glad that you found it useful. Keep up with the good work.

  • Nancy Stierwalt - March 13, 2021 reply

    Thank you for this reminder.

    Dr. Dan Zhou - April 8, 2021 reply

    You’re quite welcome Nancy! That’s why we’re here, to support each other and remind each other. What/who else do you see can be a reminder for you?

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